Now, I’m no tree hugger. But I’m always delightfully surprised when nature provides me a thought provoking lesson to teach me a key principle about something in life – albeit personal or professional. Of course, I have to be watching or listening for it – keeping my mind open. A video clip came across my desk earlier this week. It was a difficult one to watch, particularly as an animal lover – but the message it taught was powerful.
The clip showed two antelopes involved in a rigorous fight, battering with horns locked – probably over a territorial issue. Both were so consumed with protecting their turf and “getting their own way” that neither was aware of their impending death as the charging lion far off in the distance came into view on the clip. All the other animals around them took off running but these two were so completely oblivious to it – so focused on “winning their point”. You can imagine what happened next – like I said it was hard to watch.
How many times I’ve seen this play out in organizational life – particularly during change. Leaders refusing to “get on the bus” and contribute together as one team because they are so focused on protecting their own agendas. Front line employees tossing away all aspects of treating others with dignity and respect as their fear based behaviors drive them to concentrate on taking care of only themselves.
Of course, it’s all understandable. When things feel dangerous, the human’s basic need is to protect ourselves. But the message here is that it may be time to rethink that approach as continuing in it may result in even more danger for ourselves. When we’re so heads down and focused on what we personally need, we miss out on the signaling clues around us – those that are telling us there are bigger issues to be concerned about and others who may need our help.
We’re approaching a renewing time of the year. When all the trees, flowers and other things in nature who have symbolically had their “heads down”, start to open up and embrace the warmer weather. Perhaps as you watch that crocus begin to bloom this Spring, it will be a reminder to you of this message – to lift your head up and be aware of what’s going around you. Let go of your own agendas and the need to get your own way. Look to help others who are in need. Sometimes it’s just about being a friend and lending a listening ear. Sometimes it’s about seeking to understand someone else’s perspective instead of focusing on our own.
There are lots of opportunities provided to us every day – we just have to be aware and on the lookout for them!
Happy Spring!