I’ve always been a curious person.
It’s part of my DNA….the way God made me. I was that child that constantly asked “but why Dad…why?”
I’m one of “those people”. Those who aren’t content to sit back and accept it just because “it’s always been done that way”. Questions keep me growing. Learning. Changing.
I want to explore. Learn. Unpack and uncover. Make the invisible visible. Call out. Bring to the surface. I did it as a child and I’m doing it now with my clients as a change practitioner.
Questions ignite new thinking. Open doors to new understandings. Start relationships. Strengthen families. Challenge assumptions. Shift mindsets. Catapult organizations.
In their HBR article,
The Surprising Power of Questions, Brooks and John write: “Questioning is a uniquely powerful tool for unlocking value in organizations…It spurs learning and the exchange of ideas, it fuels innovation and performance improvement, it builds rapport and trust among team members. And it can mitigate business risk by uncovering unforeseen pitfalls and hazards.”
During times of change, questions can be perceived as “resistance” when they are really rooted in an authentic desire to learn and make sure the best is reached.
So when clients ask me “how do we deal with resistance?”, how do you think I respond? Hint: think “?” You got it! I ask questions that point toward meaningful changes such as….
“What are the questions being asked?” “What do you think is at the root of the question?” “Are the questions bringing to light a potential risk you’re blind to?” “Is it possible the questions can help facilitate your change in some way?”
Sure….legitimate resistance does occur during change. And there are ways to proactively plan to address it. But don’t be too quick to judge those questions negatively….look behind the “curtain” and you might discover that thing of value you need.
Get our Free Planning Resistance Worksheet! Click
I’d love to hear your thoughts about questions in the comments below! Talk to me….